

We implement projects co-financed by the European Union in cooperation with institutions:National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) and Malopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCP). We cooperate with a number of scientific institutions: AGH University of Science and Technology, Institute of Matallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow University of Technology, Pedagogical University of Krakow and other scientific entities:Institute of Ceramics and Construction Materials (ICiMB) in Gliwice and Krakow Institute of Technology. This cooperation generates a synergic growth effect resulting from combining the potential of several factors. These are: support for research and development co-financed by the EU, knowledge and research instruments of scientific units, technological solutions, including access to machines and equipment offered by technological institutes and implementation and commercialisation of new solutions by enterprises.

Technology and reactive components for in situ fabrication in tungsten carbide reinforced composite zone castings

Project co-financed by RPO WM 2014-2020, Sub-activity 1.2.1 Projekty badawczo – rozwojowe przedsiębiorstw. Innerco Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project entitled: „Technology and reactive components for in situ fabrication in tungsten carbide reinforced composite zone castings” co-financed by European Funds within the Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Małopolskiego for 2014-2020.

The objective of the project is to increase the innovativeness of the regional economy through the development of modern chemical components (reactive mouldings) for the production of castings locally reinforced with composite zones, which are in turn reinforced with tungsten carbide particles, characterised by innovation in terms of quality and functionality in comparison with alternative solutions available on the domestic and global markets. The implementation of this project and the achievement 

of its stated objective will bring the following benefits to Innerco:

– diversification of the product offer and expansion of the current market,
– increase in sales potential,

– the possibility of international expansion, particularly into the western markets of the European Union,

– creating an image of an innovative entity, creating new solutions responding to market needs,

– increase in the Company’s revenue from the sale of new products.

Project implementation period: 01.03.2019 – 30.06.2023. Total project value:14 295 070,70 zł. Co-financing of the project from the EU: 8 239 275,00 zł

Developing technology for the production of castings with ultra-resistant to abrasive wear composite zones of TiC/Fe alloys type

Priority axis; Strengthening the scientific and research potential. Action: Research and development. Secondary goals: Application programs. Operational program: Intelligent Development Operational Programme. The project involves the development of 2IC InnerComposite technology for the production of castings with TiC/Fe alloy composite zones,

ultra-resistant to abrasive wear. Thanks to the developed technology it will be possible to implement it under license in at least one Polish foundry and to offer and sell its products on the global market by EUROCAST company. INNERCO will implement a technology of manufacturing systems for production of castings with composite zones.